Digital Media!
What is Digital Media?
- Blend of “Tech” and “Content”
- Digital Media Products:
- Games, Websites, Social Media, YouTube, AR, VR, Websites, Music, etc.
- Made work easier and faster with more efficiency.
- Very flexible (Radio, Computers, T.V, Phones)
- Allows to communicate with people, which wasn’t possible 15 years ago.
- It allows our world to gain more information and learn more.
- Cons
- It has made easier to steal information.
- Many information are not accurate on the web.
- Fake News
- Distraction especially with social media.
- Dark Web
What's it like being a Digital Citizen?- When you become a member of the digital community, respect has to be taken under consideration as well.
- Showing digital etiquette and wellness.
- Being an “Up”Stander instead of a “By”Stander.
- Safety on Web.
- Being careful of habits and actions.
- Being mindful of their impact on the digital society.
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